
Tryout Information
Online registration will end two days prior to tryout dates. Registration will be available on site before tryouts, please arrive 20-30 minutes early if registering on the day of tryouts.
OVR memberships must be current, Medical Release and Wavier & Release of Liability forms must be completed for tryouts. Player profile form also must be completed if registering in person.
$20 Registration fee due at time of tryouts.
All tryouts will be located at:
Southeastern High School: 2003 Lancaster Rd, Chillicothe, OH 45601
Tryout schedule: Girls and Boys all tryout with their age
OVR Membership Required for Tryouts!
Go to www.ovr.org, click on "Junior Tryout Membership," and register for the 2024-2025 Junior Tryout Membership. You'll need your membership ID for tryouts.
Forms Needed: Complete the Player Medical Release and Waiver & Release of Liability Form before tryouts.
We had a great turnout for our Summer Tryouts! If your athlete did not receive a contract during summer tryouts, we encourage them to participate in our fall tryouts. $20 registration fee will be waived for athletes that participated in summer tryouts.